Sunday, November 15, 2009

geoff said he wanted sushi for his birthday dinner. so i caught a mahi and prepared us some fresh sushi.

a few of my pet sharks on cocos. there were eight black tip reef sharks in total. one time they were all swimming circles around me after i jumped off the boat. this is probably because i often fed them fish scraps. i wanted to hand feed them but i thought better of it in the end. i also tried to pet them but they got scared and always swam away.

it's tough at the top.

it speaks for itself i think.

our anchorage off direction island, cocos (keeling).

the cocos to rodrigues passage was quite a quick passage with strong winds and a sizeable swell especially at the beginning. It was my first time experiencing seas of up to 6 meters. makes me want more! well, not really. I take that one back. although many of the bigger swells were just gentle giants, and certainly weren't breaking, it's still strange to be looking up at the sea. other events on the sail from cocos? Early on when the weather was really squally and it was an uncomfortable ride i proclaimed myself a witch and set out to cast a few sea calming spells. by morning, what-a-ya-know the swell has abated! My revelry is short lived though. Over the course of my next four or five shifts on the following days i am hammered by numerous squalls and drenched by their rains. "yeah, don't fuck with me" says mother nature.

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