Friday, November 20, 2009

some pictures from my time on zephyr over the last few months:

the beauty of cocos.

24?! that's like a real person age. good thing i live in never never land.

my friends paul and sima from boston pose in front of zephyr on the docks in darwin.


  1. ok, I give up...WHAT'S in the box?

  2. And having seen Zephyr moored for the 1st time,
    is she a typical 'round the world' size boat?
    Aunt Cath

  3. it's a birthday cake, cath. chocolate with strawberries.


  4. LOL! Bill, I thought it was either Mark's catch of the day, or something sent from Hannibel Lechter! Thanks for the clarification--so that's what the maximize icon is for! ;-)
    Happy Thanksgiving Mark! Will you have Emu with stuffing and kiwi sauce? :-)
    Aunty Cath

  5. yeah, correct, a chocolate cake with strawberries. i had cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on my birthday. and cath, as far as the boat size i would say we are perhaps a little small for a typical around the world boat (36 feet). most that i've come across are in the 40-50 foot range. although i have definitely seen some boats smaller than zephyr and with more people on board (parents with 2 or 3 kids, for example). errol is already saying he'll have a bigger boat for the second go-round. although this one is special because he built zephyr with his own two hands...
    and yes, happy thanksgiving to you too. i have no idea what i'll have. perhaps i'll make a curry as we pull out of mauritius (we might leave on thursday).

  6. Looks very much like the decorated birthday cake I mailed to Andrew in Iraq!! Belated Happy Birthday, Mark, and almost Happy Thanksgiving.
    Aunt Melissa
    P.S. I love looking at your beautiful pictures.
