Monday, February 15, 2010

poem of the day

(courtesy of my valentine's card from jus)

foreign lands

written by robert louis stevenson

up into the cherry tree
who should climb but little me?
i held the trunk with both my hands
and looked abroad in foreign lands.

i saw the next door garden lie,
adorned with flowers, before my eye,
and many pleasant places more
that i had never seen before.

i saw the dimpling river pass
and be the sky's blue looking-glass;
the dusty roads go up and down
with people tramping in to town.

if i could find a higher tree
farther and farther i should see,
to where the grown-up river slips
into the sea among the ships,

to where the road on either hand
lead onward into fairy land,
where all the children dine at five,
and all the playthings come alive.


  1. Do you remember these poems from your childhood? We read them to you and Matt many times. You especially liked hearing them over and over again.

  2. I love you, I love you, oh brother of mine.

  3. no i don't remember them but they do have a certain familiarity.

  4. Mark, let me know if these 'street boys' need clothes-both Zane (from Gonzaga) and I (from Seattle)can organize clothing drops here and mail them out to you...Cath

  5. cathy,
    yes of course they need clothes, they always seem to have plenty but they are quickly reduced to dirty rags.
    i'm thinking it may be best (and easier) to donate a little money instead though. that avoids shipping costs and the problem of whether or not we'll actually receive such a package. kenyan mail services can be sketchy.
    justyn and i are about to start working on a web site for the program. hopefully soon we'll have a paypal account set up so that people can donate as they wish. (the program is funded entirely on donations).

    so i'll keep you posted. thanks so much for your interest. best to you and the fam.

