Sunday, September 27, 2009

quote of the day:

"as bokonon says: 'peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god.'"
kurt vonnegut jr. from cat's cradle.
amen mr. vonnegut, amen.

news out of darwin:

so we got our third crew member - geoff from cairns who i believe is 58 and is an accomplished sailor. he'll be here in a few days time. i'm looking forward to meeting him. once he's here, we'll finish stocking up and get zephyr ready for the indian ocean. hopefully we'll pull out of darwin by the 1st of the month or thereabouts. the sooner the better. it is so hot and humid here. it must be in the 100s. i am forever swimming in my own sweat in this god forsaken land. drip, drip, drip. it's necessary to take two cold showers a day at least. so, the fresh sea breezes of the indian ocean will be a welcomed change to say the least. where are we headed you may be asking? well, let me tell you. we are headed to either christmas island or cocos keeling (wind depending) where we'll spend a few days resting. i shall most certainly be spending most of my time there underwater as both christmas island and cocos are world renowned scuba sites. i think i was a fish in a former life, no?

from cocos we'll head to madagascar, most likely direct, although there is a chance we'll stop in either mauritius or seychelles before hand. we would love to stop everywhere but we kind of need to be clear of the area around northern madagascar by december as the hurricanes start to play then. we'll spend about a week in madagascar and then head to south africa! so errol is on the home stretch for his circumnavigation! only 6,000 plus miles to go! oh dear god. from south africa i think i'll head to kenya via plane because i'm oh so ancy to see my fam there. after some time in kenya my rough plan is to travel over land back down to south africa for the world cup in the summer of 2010. errol has said i can go to a game with him! (he's got 2 tickets to 2 games). so listen errol, i will hold you to this. okay, deal. after the world cup maybe i could go up to cairo. i've got a friend (miguel merino) studying there. plus the red sea is superior. i would really like to train to be a divemaster so i can lead dives and make some money during my travels before going to grad school. on that note i'm thinking about underwater archaeology! how cool would that be? i could supplement my income by being a scuba instructor on the side and, i don't know, maybe doing some underwater welding as well (very lucrative i understand). the other option is cultural anthropology, focusing on the south pacific island region. studying food procurement there. learning about fijiian spearfishing fleets? who knows? on the other hand, i could always go with my original plan of law school. but i must say, i think that interest is fading fast.

okay, that's all for now folks. it's time for another cold shower.


  1. sounds like a plan. I know the kids will love seeing you.
    call before you shove off.


  2. glad things are going to plan! Looking forward to a Merry Christmas indeed.

  3. we were all fish in the beginning; at least that's what Darwin said. Most recently we swam a lot in our mum's tum. At least you did.

    calm seas.

  4. A traditional ship's blessing for the Zephyr:
    "May the Lord fill our sails with fair wind, support our hulls in inviting seas, guide our hands upon the tiller toward pleasant places, and bring us home, O Lord, to a safe and loving harbor".

    God speed and God bless...

  5. Fair winds, calm seas, Mark;
    and an early happy birthday!
    Cath, Travis and Zane

  6. Hey Mark, very cool blog. My archaeology adviser for undergrad does underwater archeology, so if you'd ever be interested in getting her contact info, let me know.

  7. wow people thanks for the blessings, birthday wishes and school connections. Sarah, yeah i'd love her contact info. every connection counts. thanks!
