Tuesday, July 20, 2010

it has been a while, my friends. thought i'd put up another poem from my journal. this is an old one that i reworked recently. i think it began aboard a boat.

take what you want

i want a purpose. spontaneously found.
something to make my heart swim 'round
and open my mind until unbound
so that i may hear the song when there is no sound.

i want to swallow the world and for it to swallow me.
to be lost in the swell of the great big sea
then found dancing atop the limbs of a tree.
i shall wander with wonder wherever i'll be.


in other news - i have been nominated for the peace corps. my potential placement would be at a french speaking post in sub-saharan africa working in an agro-forestry division beginning in december 2010. that's about all i know at this point.
i have accepted the nomination and now have to complete some medical and dental tests before my final placement goes through. once there, i'll know exactly what country i'd be going to and what specific work i'd be doing. so i'm waiting until then to decide.
i was hoping to go to an asian country, preferably somewhere tropical and near the sea. i'm a little hesitant about coming back to africa, but whatever country i get will almost assuredly be totally different than kenya (which is a good thing, as i want something new and fresh).
plus the people would be speaking french which is both terrifying and exciting. i don't speak much french and i would have to learn in a big damn hurry. anyway, we'll see what country i get (signs point to cameroon or guinea) and then reexamine my situation. i'm leaning towards accepting the offer, but who knows what'll happen in the next few months.

all in all, i guess planting trees for the next couple of years doesn't sound too bad.


  1. What an amazing person you are. can't wait to give you a big big hug. Love the poem. Love you. Are you sure you don't want mexico? Mesoamerica is fascinating. I know understand the amazing crafts here and the chocolate and the love of family. Oaxaca is a must see. You would not believe the archeological sites we have visited - both manicured and looking like just hills. Dr. Spores is an expert in this area and an amazing person. He's like Burke. Part mountain goat as he scrabbles around the rocky mountainous sites telling us we are walking through homes and palaces and ball courts - which look like hills to us. Sherds everywhere. Lesson with Angelica (famous folk sculptor) was awesome; hope for another lesson this weekend. Much to share, eh?

  2. where are you now?

  3. anonymous - i am back in eldoret, kenya until august 11th when i head to cairo.

    and thanks mom. and yeah, mexico sounds fantastic. have fun.
