Saturday, July 31, 2010

street life

over the past couple of months a canadian public health student named lonnie has been doing some great work with tumaini. she took eight street boys through eight weeks of a drug education class in which the reward for completion was the chance to use a camera to document street life in eldoret. last week i helped to pick out the twenty best photographs that will go on display at an exhibition on august 14th to raise awareness about these children and the efforts underway at tumaini. this is just a small sample and hopefully i will be able to post more of the photographs soon (and credit the photographers).

incredible juxtaposition.

now you can see what it's like with the glue. and that's pretty much an every day, all day thing.

street kids can make a little money selling scrap metal that they scrounge around town. pretty sure it's scrap that's in the bag.

the idea for this project stems from 'born into brothels', which i still need to see. i am really impressed with the results. good stuff from lonnie and the boys.


  1. Born into Brothels is one of my all time favorite documentaries and the "Kids with Cameras" program that grew out of that has been something we have been following for awhile - check it out : It inspired a homeschool project I did with Bella a couple of year ago.
    That top image is awesome btw.

  2. What the holy hell is your adoring public to make of your lack of updates?
